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False sense of security

The reality is that many of us live in a false sense of security, believing we are safe from hackers and data scammers when, in fact, we are floating on a raft made of weak and outdated passwords.

Not long ago, we heard the testimony of Maria, a woman who had a significant amount of BTC stolen while she was witnessing the transaction in real-time, experiencing the frustration of being unable to do anything to stop it.

This was possible because her email's password was compromised, where valuable information was found, thus gaining control of her profile on the exchange and redirecting her BTC to another account within minutes.

Internet security is an issue we cannot overlook. Surprisingly, many people still use weak and predictable passwords.

When we hear such news, we realize how unprotected we are.

Often, we are not aware of the importance of our data and the digital dangers we expose ourselves to with mechanical actions we perform daily, such as entering our email to make an online purchase on a platform, leaving a comment on another, and so on, while the digital world is full of scammers and thieves waiting for us to make any mistake to access our information.

So, how do we ensure we are not the next digital Titanic, sinking into the icy waters of cybercrime?

Be aware, be rigorous, Secure your passwords, and stay updated

create a better password

Here are 9 recommendations on how to make a secure password you'll never forget.

💡 Alternate characters: Use uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols to increase security. Example: "M1Cat0Sleeps$OnTh3KeyboardIn2024".

📚  Apply substitution technique: Replace letters with numbers or symbols that look similar. For example, use "3" instead of "E" or "@" instead of "a".

🔒 Create your own acronym: Use the first letters of a phrase that is easy for you to remember. For example, “I sing a song in 2024 by Frank Sinatra!” could become “Is@si2024bFs“.

↔️  Vary across accounts: Don't use the same password for everything. Modify some part of your base password for each service. Example: "M1Cat0FB$2024" for Facebook and "M1Cat0GM$2024" for Gmail.

🅰️  Add uppercase not just at the beginning: Security increases exponentially with each additional character and the inclusion of symbols, numbers, and uppercase/lowercase letters.

🤔 Avoid personal information: Don't use birthdates, pet names, or any easily guessable personal information.

🧠 Practice memorization: Repeat your password several times a day until it sticks in your memory.

🔁  Update regularly: Change your passwords periodically, keeping the base structure but following the same pattern to remember it easily.

🛡️ Whenever the platform allows, use two-factor authentication.

By following these tips, you can create a strong password that will be hard to hack but easy to remember for you.

Don't leave doors open and protect your digital information intelligently!

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